My Friend Ron

Holly G
3 min readOct 1, 2021

Back in August I came across a thread of tweets from Ron Pope. Vulnerable, intimate tweets about grief and loss. He questioned what life would be like and how he would move on following the loss of his grandmother. I remember putting my hand over my heart as I read them, my own experiences with grief triggered. Not triggered enough to relive the pain but enough to evoke the type of sympathy that comes from the well of having been there. My heart went out to him and I thought about it frequently over the next few weeks. For some reason, it stuck with me. In the moments when my brain would scroll through the things and people I needed to remember to check on i’d think “I hope Ron Pope is okay.”

As I continue to immerse myself deeper into the music industry I keep finding myself in situations where I look around and get confused about who’s life it is i’m actually living. I found myself in exactly this position during the week of Americana Fest at an industry party. Over one shoulder was Miko Marks, over another was Reyna Roberts, and a few feet away was Ron Pope. So I did what any music fan who has somehow convinced an entire industry into letting her into things would do- I walked up to say hi. Armed with the excuse of having been working with his PR company, I walked right up and struck up a conversation.

He was gracious as I explained how “Drop In The Ocean” had gotten me through some really tough years of my life. He was friendly and funny. His wife and co-workers wove in and out of conversation and after just a few minutes I effortlessly felt welcomed into his world. And so I invited him (and his crew) into mine.

I invited him to the Black Opry Outlaw House, not expecting him to actually come. But as sure as the sun rose he showed up the next day. He sat among the artists in the room and regarded them as his peers. He listened intently to all they had to sing and I had to say. He shared a song with us, noting that he hadn’t sang in over two months. At some point that “who’s life is this” voice in the back of my head began screaming “YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH RON POPE NOW WHAT THE FUCK!”

I never thought i’d see the day when I could reach into my radio and shake hands with the people who have been the soundtrack to both my best and worst days. I get the sense that the thing that you’re supposed to do in this business is “play it cool.” Pretend you’re unimpressed with most everything. But i’ve never been considered cool in any circles i’ve ever been in so no need to start trying now. What impressed me about meeting Ron was not that he was Ron Pope-although that was exciting to begin with- but the kindness that lived in his world. Not only the kindness he exhibits but also the kindness in the people he surrounds himself with.

As a consumer of music, i’m always wondering about the people behind it. As Ron releases a new song on October 1, i’m sure people will wonder about him. So I wanted to take a few moments to share the kindness he’s shown me and i’m sure many others.

Take a few moments today and listen to “I’m On Fire,” the latest single from my friend Ron.

